Groovy One liners

~$ groovy -h
usage: groovy [options] [args]
  -a,--autosplit <splitPattern>    split lines using splitPattern (default '\s')
                                   using implicit 'split' variable
  -c,--encoding <charset>          specify the encoding of the files
  -D,--define <name=value>         define a system property
  -d,--debug                       debug mode will print out full stack traces
  -e <script>                      specify a command line script
  -h,--help                        usage information
  -i <extension>                   modify files in place; create backup if
                                   extension is given (e.g. '.bak')
  -l <port>                        listen on a port and process inbound lines
  -n                               process files line by line using implicit
                                   'line' variable
  -p                               process files line by line and print result
                                   (see also -n)
  -v,--version                     display the Groovy and JVM versions

Because looping through STDIN or input files tends to be a common thing to do, groovy (and ruby, perl etc) provide shortcuts for this.

Casiano Rodríguez León