Request Tracker

CPAN utiliza el software de rastreo de errores RT (Request Tracker) para el mantenimiento de incidencias en los repositorios CPAN. (Véase

La siguiente cita del libro RT Essentials [16] de Dave Rolsky, Darren Chamberlain, Richard Foley, Jesse Vincent y Robert Spier ayuda a entender el concepto:

If your organization is anything like any of ours, there's always a lot of stuff to do. Vendors need to get paid. Customers need to get invoiced. Staff need to do work for customers. Sales inquiries need to be answered. Bugs in hard- or software need to be fixed, and everyone needs to know that they have been fixed. Somebody needs to take out the garbage. And at the end of the day, you've got to know who wanted what, who did it, when it got done, and most importantly what remains undone.

That's where a ticketing system comes in.

The convention is to call each request or piece of work a Ticket. When a new thing comes into the system, we give it a virtual slip of paper with a number, much like the ticket for checking your coat at the coat room or leaving your car in valet parking. This is the ticket we track. Before we get into typical applications, let's dissect a generic ticketing system into its component parts, by building a list of the things a typical ticketing system will do. You can use this list to decide whether or not you need a ticketing system.

These are the bones of a true ticketing system:

Ejercicio 5.22.1   Visite la página de bugs del módulo CPAN.

Casiano Rodríguez León