Searching in the Free Pascal manual pages

Searching in the manuals needs two steps :
  1. To search for words, type the words you want to search for in the top edit box. You can separate words with and, or and not. After you typed the words, press the Search button. For example, you could type the following:
    reset or assign
    This would then look for pages that have 'assign' or 'reset' in them. After pressing the SEARCH button, the output would look something like

    When you press the SEARCH button, the 'hit total' will be displayed. This is the number of times your combination of words was found.

    It is possible that no words are found, in that case the hit total will be zero, and there will be a line 'No records found' in the listbox, as shown below:

  2. When the search is complete, the lower listbox contains a list of section titles. You can select one of these titles, and press the GO button. A new browser window will open, showing the page that contains the help you requested. You can repeat this as many times as you want.

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