
3 The DXELOAD unit

1 Introduction

The dxeload unit was implemented by Pierre Müller for DOS, it allows to load a DXE file (an object file with 1 entry point) into memory and return a pointer to the entry point.

It exists only for DOS.

2 Constants, types and variables

1 Constants

The following constant is the magic number, found in the header of a DXE file.
DXE_MAGIC  = $31455844;

2 Types

The following record describes the header of a DXE file. It is used to determine the magic number of the DXE file and number of relocations that must be done when the object file i sloaded in memory.
dxe_header = record
   nrelocs       : longint;

3 Functions and Procedures

1 dxe_load

function dxe_load(filename : string) : pointer;
dxe_load loads the contents of the file filename into memory. It performs the necessary relocations in the object code, and returns then a pointer to the entry point of the code.
If an error occurs during the load or relocations, Nil is returned.
For an example, see the emu387 unit in the RTL.

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