Mensajes de log del usuario

Both static and interactive debugging send a series of predefined log messages to whatever log file you have specified. It is also possible to send additional, user-defined messages to the log, using the "<log:...>" directive.

This directive expects either a simple text or a codeblock as its single argument. If the argument is a code block, that code is expected to return the text of the message; if the argument is anything else, that something else is the literal message. For example:

        <rule: ListElem>

            <Elem=   ( [a-z]\d+) >
                <log: Checking for a suffix, too...>

            <Suffix= ( : \d+   ) >?
                <log: (?{ "ListElem: $MATCH{Elem} and $MATCH{Suffix}" })>

User-defined log messages implemented using a codeblock can also specify a severity level. If the codeblock of a <log:...> directive returns two or more values, the first is treated as a log message severity indicator, and the remaining values as separate lines of text to be logged. For example:

        <rule: ListElem>
            <Elem=   ( [a-z]\d+) >
            <Suffix= ( : \d+   ) >?

                <log: (?{
                    warn => "Elem was: $MATCH{Elem}",
                            "Suffix was $MATCH{Suffix}",

When they are encountered, user-defined log messages are interspersed between any automatic log messages (i.e. from the debugger), at the correct level of nesting for the current rule.

Casiano Rodríguez León