... tools1
There are however very good specific ones, for example, for XML and HTML support and symbolic mathematics
... AST2
The information between brackets shows the attribute for TERMINAL nodes
... rule3
As it appears in the .output file. The .output file can be generated using the -v option of eyapp
... production4
If the production has an explicit name. Otherwise there is no re-blessing
... subroutine5
The sub must be accessed through a proxy Parse::Eyapp::YATW object. YATW stands for Yet Another Tree Walker
... Parse::Eyapp::Node6
All the classes in the AST inherit from Parse::Eyapp::Node
... verbatim7
Without the outer curly brackets. If it weren't for the second pair of curly brackets the lexical variable $num would be visible up to the end of the file
... $INDENT8
Other Parse::Eyapp::Node variables governing the behavior of str are: PREFIXES, $STRSEP, $FOOTNOTE_HEADER, $FOOTNOTE_SEP, $FOOTNOTE_LEFT, $FOOTNOTE_RIGHT and $LINESEP
... bud9
Bottom-Up Decorator
... matches10
When bud is applied the family of transformations must constitute a partition of the AST classes, i.e. for each node one and only one transformation matches