The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- SAMANN option flags


SAACCUM Accumulate the calculated deltas.
SAUPDATE Update the weights.
SAOUTONLY Only change output units.
SAOLDPRP Use the weight values of the previous training cycle to propagate the deltas through the network.
SARNDPICK Pick two samples randomly to update the network.
SAVERBOSE Print a counter when updating the units.


For normal use, SAACCUM and SAUPDATE should be set. When SAOLDPRP is set, the original back-propagation algorithm is used; when SAOLDPRP is not set, newly calculated weights are used to propagate the deltas. This is a stochastic disturbance of the process which might speed up convergence at the risk of bad convergence for some problems. The flags may be OR'ed together in option parameters.



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