The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- determine the scatter matrices for a dataset


int all_scatter_dataset (dset, St, Sw, Sb)


DATASET *dset The dataset of which the scatters have to be determined.
double **St The total scatter, a matrix of size [1..dset->NumInputs][1..NumInputs].
double **Sw The within scatter, a matrix of size [1..dset->NumInputs][1..NumInputs].
double **Sb The between scatter, a matrix of size [1..dset->NumInputs][1..NumInputs].


If an error occured the function returns TRUE, otherwise it returns FALSE. If no error occured, St, Sw and Sb contain valid values for the scatter matrices.


The function computes three scatter matrices for a given dataset, the total scatter, the within scatter and the between scatter. For the definition of these scatters one is referred to Devijver and Kittler.


The dataset dset is a LABELSET (see DATASET-flags), the scatter matrices are all in matrix format.

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