The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- load the activation and transfer function part of a network file (LOCAL)


int *fscanf_link (stream, unit)


FILE *stream A valid file pointer.
UNIT *unit A pointer to a pre-allocated UNIT structure.


FALSE if succesful, TRUE in case of an error.


This function is called by fscanf_unit to read the following fields: ActFunc, TransFunc, DerTransFunc, DerDerTransFunc, TransFuncPar1, TransFuncPar2 and TransFuncPar3. Note that the ActFunc and the various TransFunc fields can be USERDEFINED or NULL in the file, but that the check_all_network function which is called by fscanf_network will return an error in that case. See NET-IO-format for the layout of this part.


The function uses the get_act_func_ptr and get_trans_func_ptr functions to translate from ASCII to function pointers. The parameters (TransFuncPar1, TransFuncPar2 and TransFuncPar3) are only read when appropriate. Currently, only the TransParTanH function (the parametric hyperbolic tangent transfer function) uses two parameters.


fscanf_network, fscanf_unit

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