The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- load a link part of a network file (LOCAL)


LINK *fscanf_link (stream, NumLinks)


FILE *stream A valid file pointer.
long NumLinks The number of LINK structures to be read.


A pointer to the first of a linked list of LINK structures if successful, NULL in case of an error.


This function is called by fscanf_unit twice, to read all incoming and outgoing links. The link part for each unit is the part between LINKBEGIN and LINKEND. See NET-IO-format for the layout of this part.


Since at the time of reading a LINK structure not all units are read yet, it is not possible to fill the Unit field. Therefore, the SystemData.l field (see system_data) is filled with the unit's ID. The same goes for the pointers to the weight structures; the weight's ID is stored in the UserData.l field. After reading all units, all unit and weight references in the LINK structures are filled using the get_unit and get_weight_byid functions.


fscanf_network, fscanf_unit

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