The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- allocate space for learning samples (LOCAL)


int malloc_lspace (nin, nout, nlearn)


int nin The dimensionality of the input patterns.
int nout The dimensionality of the output patterns.
int nlearn The number of learning samples.


The function returns TRUE if an error occured, and FALSE otherwise.


This function allocates space for the learning data which is used to train a perceptron. The function receives as input the dimensionality of the input nin, which is stored in the local variable ninputs, and the dimensionality of the ouput nout, which is stored in the local variable noutputs. Furthermore, it receives the number of learning samples nlset. As a side effect the function allocates space for the learning samples in the local variable learnset, which points to the array containing the samples.


If no error occurred the 4 local variables are initialized properly.

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