The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- determine the best smoothing value for a class


double parzen_best_s (class, init_s)


int class The class of which the smoothing parameter has to be optimized.
double init_s The starting value for s, the smoothing parameter.


The function returns the optimal smoothing value if within MAXITER (standard set to 100) iterations a better value is found. It returns init_s if no convergence was possible.


The function determines the optimal smoothing paramter s for a Parzen kernel for a particular class class. It takes as input the class for which the kernelsize has to be estimated and an initial smoothing parameter init_s. The function iterates towards an optimal s, if an optimal s is possible.


For this function to work the Parzen estimator has to be initialized. This can be done using parzen_init.

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