The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- compute the goodness-of-fit between a trained SOM and a dataset


void som_goodness (net, dset, ndim, nx, ny, spcost, result)


NET *net (Trained) SOM network
DATASET *dset Dataset, for which the distance (similarity or goodness) to the SOM has to be determined
int ndim Number of dimensions of the SOM (1-D or 2-D)
int nx Map size in the first direction
int ny Map size in the second direction (should be 1 for 1-D SOMs)
double **spcost The shortest-path distance matrix of the SOM
double *result Result: the goodness-of-fit of the SOM to this dataset


The goodness-of-fit, in the result parameter.


Computes the goodness-of-fit between a (trained) SOM and a dataset, according to "Comparing Self-Organizing Maps" - S. Kaski, K. Lagus, in: Proc. ICANN96, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1112, Springer, 1996, pp. 809 - 814. This measure takes, besides quantization error, also a penalty for distortions in topology preservation into account.


The function assumes that the matrix of shortest-path distances between a node and every other node in the map spcost is already allocated and determined (using make_spcost_matrix).


make_spcost_matrix , eval_set_on_net

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