The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- a general stdout error message / warning function


void sprmessage (type, text, file, line)


int type Indicates whether this is an error (0), a warning (1) or debug info (2).
char *text The error message to be printed.
char *file The name of the source-file from which the routine was called.
int line The line number from which this routine was called.




This routine prints messages and exits the program, if necessary. If type = 0, SPRerror is increased and the error-message is printed. If EXIT_ON_ERROR (see LIBRARY-flags) was not defined during compilation, the program will continue. If EXIT_ON_ERROR was defined and both the ExitOn and CoreOn variables are TRUE (see UTILITY-variables), the program will be exited through abort, causing the core to be dumped. If only ExitOn is TRUE, the program will be stopped using exit. If neither of the variables is TRUE, the program will continue. If type = 1, the variable SPRwarning is increased and the warning message is printed. If type = 2 finally, only the debug message will be printed.


This function is never called direcly. It has three front-ends: sprerror, sprwarning and sprdebug. See MESSAGE-functions.

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