The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- create a new dataset from another dataset with a higher dimension


DATASET *subspace_dataset (dset, m, subdim)


DATASET *dset A pointer to the original DATASET structure.
double **m A matrix containing the subspace projection.
int subdim The dimension of the dataset to be created.

The matrix **m should have dimensions [1..subdim][1..dset->NumInputs].


A pointer to a newly allocated and filled DATASET if succesful, NULL otherwise.


The function first checks if subdim is less than or equal to dset 's NumInputs. If so, a dataset structure is allocated using malloc_dataset and filled. Most fields (including input and output descriptions) are copied from dset; SetText however is set to "Set obtained by projection of other data.", the CreationDate is set using the time_stamp function and NumInputs is set to subdim. Also, the SetId is increased by one. Finally, all SAMPLE structures are copied. Each element of a sample's input vector Input is taken as a linear combination of all inputs, in which the coefficients are given in **m :
for (i = 1; i <= subdim; i++)
  NewSample->Input[i] = 0;

  for (j = 1; j <= dset->NumInputs; j++) 
    NewSample->Input[i] += m[i][j] * InSample->Input[j];

The output patterns are simply copied.

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