The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- update an existing cluster (LOCAL)


void update_wts (cluster_no, input_no)


int cluster_no The cluster number to be updated.
int input_no The pattern number used to update the cluster.


The function updates an existing cluster. This is done as follows. First the number of patterns in the cluster is retrieved from the cluster table. Then the pattern representing the cluster is updated according to the formula: ((n/m*cluster_value) + (1/m*pattern), where n/m = n/(n+1) with n is the number of patterns in the cluster and pattern the pattern to be added to the cluster. Next, the cluster table is updated by increasing the pattern counter and adding the pattern number to the table.


In order for this function to work properly, the variables have to be initialized using cluster_pao_init.


cluster_pao_init, compute_euc_dist, compare_min_ed

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