The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- a Numerical Recipes in C datatype


int *ivector (min, max)

double *vector (min, max)

void *free_ivector (iv, min, max)

void free_vector (v, min, max)


int min The minimum index.
int max The maximum index.
int *iv A vector of integers.
double *v A vector of doubles.


In SPRANNLIB, the datatype used for vectors (and matrices) is the same as the type used in the Numerical Recipes in C functions. The only difference with a normal C array is that the first element is thought to have index 1; i.e., to fill a vector with n units, the code is something like:
int *v, i;

v = ivector (1, n);

for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
  v[i] = i;

The ivector function can be used to allocate an integer vector, vector to allocate a vector of doubles. The free_... function speak for themselves.


In Numerical Recipes in C, the authors chose to work with floats (4-byte floating point variables). In SPRANNLIB, the default value for a floating point variable is double. Hence, all Numerical Recipes in C functions have been rewritten to work with doubles.


All the Numerical Recipe functions are described in, "Numerical Recipes in C, the Art of Scientific Computing", Second Edition, 1992, Cambridge University Press. matrix

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