VOLUNTEERS NEEDED ----------------- 15jul00: I haven't been managing any transcriptions for a while due to lack of time, but I hope to restart the process this fall. Once I'm ready to go, I'll contact everyone who has volunteered in the past. 30aug98: If you've always wanted to show your appreciation of the interrupt list, but never had anything to contribute before, here's your chance! I continue to have a need for volunteers to transcribe and condense the information in various on-line documents into a suitable form for inclusion in the list. A good job of transcription can save me 90% of the effort it would otherwise take me, which means that I can get far more information into the list -- and that helps everyone. If you're interested in transcribing one or more documents, send me mail and I'll provide you with the URL and a brief style guide. Let me know whether you're willing to work on a large document or only a small(ish) one. As an added incentive, those who contribute at least 120K of additions (roughly equivalent to the info from four motherboard chipsets; figure around 50 hours of effort) get a free autographed copy of one of my books.