
Tomado de Groovy: Don’t Fear the RegExp por Ted Naleid

In Groovy, the String class has been enhanced with a few “replace*” methods that allow you to leverage regular expressions. These methods originally come from the Matcher class, but attaching them directly to String puts them right at your fingertips.

replaceFirst will replace the first substring matched by a regular expression within the specified String:

~/Lgroovy/strings$ cat -n ReplaceSimple.groovy
     1  a = "Hello"
     2  b = a.replaceFirst(/$/," world!")
     3  println a
     4  println b
~/Lgroovy/strings$ groovy ReplaceSimple.groovy 
Hello world!
Nótese que la presencia de $ en la cadena de reeemplazo altera la sustitución literal:
groovy:000> a = "Hello"
===> Hello
groovy:000> b = a.replaceFirst(/$/," world! ($a)")
===> Hello world! (Hello)

replaceAll will replace all matching substrings within the specified String:

~/Lgroovy/strings$ cat -n ReplaceAll.groovy 
     1  text = '''
     2  Poetry (from the Greek "ποίησις", poiesis, a "making") is a form
     3  of literary art in which language is used for its aesthetic and
     4  evocative qualities in addition to, or in lieu of, its apparent
     5  meaning. 
     6  '''
     8  nt = text.replaceAll(/poe/, "Poe")
     9  println nt
    11  nt = text.replaceFirst(/"ποίησις", poiesis/, "POIESIS")
    12  println nt
~/Lgroovy/strings$ groovy ReplaceAll.groovy 

Poetry (from the Greek "ποίησις", poiesis, a "making") is a form
of literary art in which language is used for its aesthetic and
evocative qualities in addition to, or in lieu of, its apparent

Poetry (from the Greek POIESIS, a "making") is a form
of literary art in which language is used for its aesthetic and
evocative qualities in addition to, or in lieu of, its apparent
There is an alternate version of replaceAll that takes a closure for the second parameter. This is especially useful in the situations where you want to manipulate the matched value, or groups within the match to dynamically determine the replacement text.

For example, if we wanted to be able to turn a dashed phrase (foo-bar) into a camel case word (fooBar) we can’t just remove all dash characters, we also need to make the first letter after the dash capitalized (the B in fooBar).

To do this, we can use a regular expression that captures the first letter after a dash in a group using parenthesis.

~/Lgroovy/strings$ cat -n Hyphen2CamelCase.groovy 
     1  def dashedToCamelCase(orig) {
     2      orig.replaceAll(/-(\w)/) 
     3             { fullMatch, firstCharacter -> 
     4                 firstCharacter.toUpperCase() 
     5             }
     6  }
     8  def scanner = new Scanner(
     9  print "Enter dashed string: ";
    10  def dashed = scanner.nextLine()
    11  def camelcase = dashedToCamelCase(dashed)
    12  println camelcase
~/Lgroovy/strings$ groovy Hyphen2CamelCase.groovy 
Enter dashed string: one-identifier-with-many-hyphens

Using the version of replaceAll that takes a closure gives us a chance to manipulate the first character of the word and capitalize it. This closure is always passed the full matched text of the regular expression as the first value, and then any groups as subsequent values.

Here we modify a phone number:

~/Lgroovy/strings$ cat -n Phonenumber.groovy 
     1  def scanner = new Scanner(
     2  print 'Enter phone number (\\d{0,3})-(\\d{3})-(\\d{6})/): ';
     3  def pn = scanner.nextLine()
     4  def ac = pn.replaceAll(/(^\s*\d{0,3})[-\s]+(\d{3})[-\s]+(\d{6})\s*$/) { 
     5      fullMatch, international, areaCode, localNumber ->
     7      return "$areaCode"
     8  }
    10  println ac
~/Lgroovy/strings$ groovy Phonenumber.groovy 
Enter phone number (\d{0,3})-(\d{3})-(\d{6})/): 34-922-313131
~/Lgroovy/strings$ groovy Phonenumber.groovy 
Enter phone number (\d{0,3})-(\d{3})-(\d{6})/): 34 922 313131
~/Lgroovy/strings$ groovy Phonenumber.groovy 
Enter phone number (\d{0,3})-(\d{3})-(\d{6})/): 34---922--  313131
~/Lgroovy/strings$ groovy Phonenumber.groovy 
Enter phone number (\d{0,3})-(\d{3})-(\d{6})/): djfkdjs

Ejemplo: poner blanco después de cada coma

He aqui una solución que hace uso de e al siguiente ejercicio (véase 'Regex to add space after punctuation sign' en PerlMonks) Se quiere poner un espacio en blanco después de la aparición de cada coma, pero se quiere que la sustitución no tenga lugar si la coma esta incrustada entre dos dígitos. Además se pide que si hay ya un espacio después de la coma, no se duplique

generaciondecodigos@nereida:~/src/groovy/strings$ cat -n commawhite.groovy
     1  def scanner = new Scanner(
     2  print 'Enter string: '
     3  def line = scanner.nextLine()
     5  def r = line.replaceAll(/(\d[,.]\d)|(,(?!\s))/) {
     6      fullMatch, nucnu, stcommanospace ->
     8      if (nucnu) {
     9        return nucnu
    10      }
    11      return ', '
    12  }
    14  println r

Se hace uso de un lookahead negativo (?!\s) para prohibir la sustitución cuando la coma va seguida de un blanco.

generaciondecodigos@nereida:~/src/groovy/strings$ groovy commawhite.groovy
Enter string: 2,3,4,a,b,5,6,c,d, e,f,g
2,3, 4, a, b, 5,6, c, d, e, f, g

Casiano Rodríguez León