
17 The PRINTER unit.

This chapter describes the PRINTER unit for Free Pascal. It was written for DOS by Florian klämpfl, and it was written for LINUX by Michaël Van Canneyt, and has been ported to WINDOWS as well. Its basic functionality is the same for both systems, although there are minor differences on LINUX.

The chapter is divided in 2 sections:

1 Types, Constants and variables :

  lst : text;
Lst is the standard printing device.
On LINUX, Lst is set up using AssignLst('/tmp/PID.lst'). You can change this behaviour at compile time, setting the DefFile constant.

2 Procedures and functions

1 AssignLst

Procedure AssignLst ( Var F : text; ToFile : string[255]);

LINUX only.
Assigns to F a printing device. ToFile is a string with the following form:

Errors are reported in Linuxerror.
See also
lpr (1)

program testprn;

uses printer;

var i : integer;
    f : text;
  writeln ('Test of printer unit');
  writeln ('Writing to lst...');
  for i:=1 to 80 do writeln (lst,'This is line ',i,'.'#13);
  close (lst);
  writeln ('Done.');
  {$ifdef linux}
  writeln ('Writing to pipe...'); 
  assignlst (f,'|/usr/bin/lpr -m');
  rewrite (f);
  for i:=1 to 80 do writeln (f,'This is line ',i,'.'#13);
  close (f);
  writeln ('Done.')

Free Pascal Compiler