Depuración de Regexps

It is possible to use Regexp::Grammars without creating any subrule definitions, simply to debug a recalcitrant regex. For example, if the following regex wasn't working as expected:

        my $balanced_brackets = qr{
            \(             # left delim
                \\         # escape or
            |   (?R)       # recurse or
            |   .          # whatever
            \)             # right delim

you could instrument it with aliased subpatterns and then debug it step-by-step, using Regexp::Grammars:

        use Regexp::Grammars;

        my $balanced_brackets = qr{

            <.left_delim=  (  \(  )>
                <.escape=  (  \\  )>
            |   <.recurse= ( (?R) )>
            |   <.whatever=(  .   )>
            <.right_delim= (  \)  )>

        while (<>) {
            say 'matched' if /$balanced_brackets/;

Note the use of amnesiac aliased subpatterns to avoid needlessly building a result-hash. Alternatively, you could use listifying aliases to preserve the matching structure as an additional debugging aid:

        use Regexp::Grammars;

        my $balanced_brackets = qr{

            <[left_delim=  (  \(  )]>
                <[escape=  (  \\  )]>
            |   <[recurse= ( (?R) )]>
            |   <[whatever=(  .   )]>
            <[right_delim= (  \)  )]>

        if ( '(a(bc)d)' =~ /$balanced_brackets/) {
            use Data::Dumper 'Dumper';
            warn Dumper \%/;

Casiano Rodríguez León