The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- layer datatype


typedef struct layer


char LayerName[80]; A description of the layer.

long LayerId; Layer identification number.

long LayerFlag; Layer flag - see LAYER-flags.

long NumUnits; Number of units in this layer.

long NumMaps; Number of unit-groups in layer.

MAP *FirstMap; Pointer to first group in layer.

MAP *LastMap; Pointer to last group in layer.

UNIT *FirstUnit; Pointer to first unit in layer.

UNIT *LastUnit; Pointer to last unit in layer.

union system_data SystemData; Union of data for algorithms.

union system_data UserData; Union of data for library user.

struct layer *Next; Pointer to next layer.

struct layer *Prev; Pointer to previous layer.



This type is used to represent a layer, currently only for shared weights neural networks. Most of the fields speak for themselves.


All layers are stored in a double linked list. The LAYER structure is usually filled by a network creation function (create_sharednet).


NET, MAP, UNIT, WEIGHT, LAYER-flags, system_data

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