The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- network datatype


typedef struct network


char NetText[256]; The description of the network.

char CreationDate[32]; Network creation date; can be set using the time_stamp function.

char ModificationDate[32]; Network modification date; can be set using the time_stamp function.

long NetId; Network identification number.

long NetFlag; Network flag - see NET-flags.

long NumInputs; Total number of inputs.

long NumOutputs; Total number of outputs.

long NumOutputDims; The number of dimensions of the output - only valid for KOHONEN type networks (see NET-flags).

long NumUnits; Total number of units in the network.

long NumLayers; Total number of layers, including input and output layer.

long NumLinks; Total number of links.

long NumWeights; Total number of weights (not including biases).

long SystemDataRWFlag; Is system data already in use? - see NET-ACCESS-flags.

union system_data SystemData; Union of data used by the library - see system_data.

union system_data UserData; Union of data for users - see system_data.

struct unit *FirstUnit; Pointer to first unit.

struct unit *LastUnit; Pointer to last unit.

struct layer *FirstLayer; Pointer to first layer - only defined for shared weights networks.

struct layer *LastLayer; Pointer to last layer - only defined for shared weights networks.

struct weight *FirstWeight; Pointer to first weight in the weight linked list.

} NET;


This type is used to represent a network. Most of the fields speak for themselves. This structure is usually filled by a network creation function (create_ff_net , create_sharednet , create_mlnet , create_koh_net).


LAYER, UNIT, WEIGHT, NET-flags, NET-ACCESS-flags, system_data

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