The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- create a Kohonen type network


NET *create_koh_net (NetId,NumInputs,NumDim,UnitVect)


long NetId The network ID.
int NumInput The number of inputs; at least 1.
int NumDim The number of dimensions of the actual Kohonen map: 1, 2, 3 or 4.
int *UnitVect A vector containing, for each dimension, the size of the map (between 1 and 255). This vector should have a length of NumDim.


A pointer to a NET structure if succesful, NULL if not.


This function creates a Kohonen type network. In more detail: it allocates a NET structure using malloc_net and fills the fields with default values. NetText is set to KOHNET_TEXT (see KOHONEN-constants; the NetFlag is set to KOHNET (see NET-flags) and all Num... fields are set to the correct values. The CreationDate field is set using the time_stamp function. Finally, the function create_koh_units, create_koh_links and create_koh_weights are called to construct the rest of the network.


koh_learn, create_koh_units, create_koh_links, create_koh_weights

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