The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- a structure used by the SPRANNLIB memory allocation routines (LOCAL)


typedef struct malinfo


char *ptr; A pointer to the actual block of allocated memory.

unsigned size; The size in bytes of the allocated block.

char *file; The name of the source-file in which the call to routine used in allocating this block was located.

int line; The line in the source-file in which the call to the routine used in allocating this block was located.

struct malinfo *next; A pointer to the next MALINFO block, to make this a linked list.



The routines below use a linked list of these structures to keep store of information regarding allocation of memory. This linked list makes it possible to keep track of memory leakage.


malloc_monitor, calloc_monitor, realloc_monitor, free_monitor , memory_monitor, status_monitor, MONITOR-ALLOCATION-variables

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