The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- an SPRANNLIB replacement for the realloc routine


char *realloc_monitor (ptr, size, file, line)


char *ptr A pointer to the original allocated block.
unsigned int size The number of bytes the new block should have.
char *file The name of the source-file from which this function was called.
int line The line in the source-file from which this function was called.


A pointer to a reallocated block of memory if succesful, NULL if not.


This function can replace the standard C-function realloc. It traverses the linked list of MALINFO structures (topmem, endmem - see MONITOR-ALLOCATION-variables). If it does not find ptr in the list, it gives an errormessage and returns TRUE. If it does find the pointer, realloc is called and the MALINFO structure is updated.


MONITOR-ALLOCATION-functions, malloc_monitor, calloc_monitor , free_monitor, status_monitor, memory_monitor

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