The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- local variables used for Pao clustering


double *x A vector of size [0..ninput+1] containing the current pattern to be clustered.
double *ed A vector of size [0..ninput+1] containing the Euclidean distance of the current pattern to the cluster centers.
double **b A matrix of size [0..ninput+1][0..ninattr+1] containing the current cluster centers.
double **pattern A matrix of size [0..ninput+1][1..ninattr+1] containing the samples to be clustered.
double **cluster_tbl A matrix of size [0..ninput+1][1..ninattr+1] containing the description of a cluster, for each cluster the number of clustered samples and the sample numbers is maintained.
int ninput The number of samples.
int ninattr The number of features.
int active_nodes The number of clusters so far.
double threshold A threshold to decide whether a new cluster should be created.


The local variable used when calling the Pao clustering functions.


cluster_pao, form_new_node, cluster_pao_init

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