The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- some global variables for the Sammon mapping routines (LOCAL)


double **set A copy of the samples of the original set; num_samples vectors of length set_dim. The vectors start from index 0.
double **map The map vectors; num_samples vectors of length map_dim. The vectors start from index 0.
double **backup A backup of the map vectors, used during the minimization.
double **set_distance The distances in the set; a triangular matrix. Each row s contains num_samples - s distances to other samples.
double constant The constant used in Sammon's mapping: 1 over the sum of all distances in set.
long num_samples The number of samples in set and map.
long set_dim The dimension of each sample in set.
long map_dim The dimension of each sample in map.
int initialized A boolean indicating whether or not sammon_init was called.
DATASET *original_set A pointer to the original dataset. Necessary for the sammon_extract_map function.


All these variables are for internal use by the Sammon mapping functions only.


sammon_init, sammon_solve

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