The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- initialize the Sammon mapping routines


int sammon_init (set, dim)


DATASET *set A pointer to the DATASET from which the map has to be built.
int dim The dimension of the Sammon map.


TRUE in case an error occured, FALSE otherwise.


This function allocates and fills a number of global arrays (set, map, set_distance) and sets a number of global variables (constant, num_samples, set_dim, map_dim, initialized and original_set) - see SAMMON-VARIABLES. In fact, a local copy of the DATASET is made and distances are pre-calculated to speed subsequent processing in sammon_solve. Also, the global initialized variable is set to TRUE.


A pointer to the DATASET set is saved in the global variable original_set for use in the sammon_extract_map function. This means that set must not be changed or deleted between calling this function and sammon_extract_map. This function has to be called before any other Sammon mapping routine. The function sammon_exit has to be called to free the allocated memory.


sammon_exit, sammon_stress, sammon_solve, sammon_extract_map

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