The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- constants used in the allocation routines (LOCAL)


NET_STOCK 10 Allocate 10 NET structures at a time.
LAYER_STOCK 50 Allocate 50 LAYER structures at a time.
MAP_STOCK 100 Allocate 100 MAP structures at a time.
UNIT_STOCK 100 Allocate 100 UNIT structures at a time.
UNITVAL_STOCK 1000 Allocate 1000 UNIT_VALUE structures at a time.
LINK_STOCK 1000 Allocate 1000 LINK structures at a time.
WEIGHT_STOCK 500 Allocate 500 WEIGHT structures at a time.
WEIGHTVAL_STOCK 1000 Allocate 1000 WEIGHT_VALUE structures at a time.
DATASET_STOCK 10 Allocate 10 DATASET structures at a time.
SAMPLE_STOCK 10000 Allocate 10000 SAMPLE structures at a time.


SPRANNLIB provides allocation functions for datasets, networks and other structures that allocate a pool of structures at a time from the operating system and processes allocation requests from these pools. The above constants determine (at compile-time) the size of the pools.


STOCK-variables, malloc_net, malloc_dataset, malloc_netlib, malloc_local

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