The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- variables used in the allocation routines (LOCAL)


NET *FreeNets Pool of NET structures.
LAYER *FreeLayers Pool of LAYER structures.
MAP *FreeMaps Pool of MAP structures.
UNIT *FreeUnits Pool of UNIT structures.
LINK *FreeLinks Pool of LINK structures.
WEIGHT *FreeWeights Pool of WEIGHT structures.
UNIT_VALUE *FreeUnitValues Pool of UNIT_VALUE structures.
WEIGHT_VALUE *FreeWeightValues Pool of WEIGHT_VALUE structures.
DATASET *FreeDataSets Pool of DATASET structures.
SAMPLE *FreeSamples Pool of SAMPLE structures.


These pointers are used by the malloc_ family. They point to the first structure in a linked list of free structures. These structures are linked using various fields, different for each structure (Hist, Prev / Next, Systemdata.p ...). However, since these pointers are only used in linking free (non-used) structures, this should not interfere with normal operation.


Unfortunately, the allocation routines for datasets and networks are split (patalloc.c, netalloc.c).


STOCK-values, malloc_net, malloc_netlib, malloc_dataset, malloc_local

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