The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- adapt a wavelet network after presentation of one learning sample


int adapt_wavnet (proj, net, sample, alpha, momentum, L, U, comp, domain)


int proj Specify if wavelets outside the domain of the function to be approximated should be truncated or not
NET *net Wavelet network
SAMPLE *sample Current sample to be evaluated
double alpha Learning rate in gradient descent wavelet network training
double momentum Momentum term value
double L Lower value for scaling the dataset prior to training
double U Upper value for scaling the dataset prior to training
int comp Parameter specifying the maximal amount of compression of a wavelon
int domain Parameter specifying the tolerance for truncation of wavelons outside the domain of the function to be approximated


TRUE if an error occurred, FALSE otherwise.


This function performs one step in the gradient descent procedure: new parameter values (dilations, translations, weights) are computed and adapted.


learn_wavnet , free_wavnet

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