The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- train a wavelet network on a dataset


int learn_wavnet (lf, l, proj, net, dset, cyc, opt, alpha, mom, L, U, c, d)


FILE *lf File to log errors to
int l Boolean indicating whether errors should be logged or not
int proj Specify if wavelets outside the domain of the function to be approximated should be truncated or not
NET *net Wavelet network
DATASET *dset Dataset used for training the network
long cyc Number of train cycles
long opt Flag (see below)
double alpha Learning rate in gradient descent wavelet network training
double mom Momentum term value
double L Lower value for scaling the dataset prior to training
double U Upper value for scaling the dataset prior to training
int c Parameter specifying the maximal amount of compression of a wavelon
int d Parameter specifying the tolerance for truncation of wavelons outside the domain of the function to be approximated


TRUE if an error occurred, FALSE otherwise.


Training of a wavelet network using gradient descent minimization. For a reference in which this network is described, see the introductory text of this chapter. During training, the support of the wavelets in the hidden nodes may leave the domain of the function to be approximated or become too small (since dilation and translation parameters are adapted during training). Hence, hidden units may become useless. This can be tackled by truncating ("projecting") these parameters to minimum and maximum values, determined by the parameters compres_par and domain_par :
  compression_epsilon = (Upper - Lower)*CONST_XI/(num_wavelons*compres_par)
  eps_domain_lower = Lower - domain_par*(Upper - Lower);
  eps_domain_upper = Upper + domain_par*(Upper - Lower);


The flag to be supplied as options is similar to the one that should be supplied with bp_adapt_net. However, no history of weights and values is stored and no batch-updating is allowed, hence options should be BPACCUM | BPUPDATE | BPOLDPRP. The function assumes that a wavelet network has been created and initialized.


create_wavnet , init_wavnet , adapt_wavnet , bp_adapt_net

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