The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


-initialize a wavelet network


int init_wavnet (net, dset, rand, L, U, comp)


NET *net Wavelet network
DATASET *dset Dataset used for training the network
int rand Boolean indicating whether the weighs should be initialized randomly
double L Lower value for scaling the dataset prior to training
double U Upper value for scaling the dataset prior to training
int comp Parameter specifying the maximal amount of compression of a wavelon


Initialization of the Wavenet is performed as originally proposed in Zhang/ Benveniste (1992). Here, the parameters are initialized as follows:

  - g_0     := mean(outputs), where the observed outputs are used to 
               approximate the function f.
  - w_ji    := 0; 
  - t_i/s_i := some initialization procedure, described in Zhang/Benveniste. 
               First, the parameters are computed for the 1-dimensional 
               case (scalar inputs), next these parameters are compiled 
               into t_vectors and Di-matrices, consisting of the 
               proper "scalar values".  


TRUE if an error was detected, FALSE otherwise.


This function should be called before a wavelet network is being trained.


create_wavnet , learn_wavnet , free_wavnet

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