The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- compute the optimal linear discriminant function for two classes


int fisher (Ka, Kb, Ma, Mb, c, n, W, b)


double **Ka Covariance matrix for class A, a matrix of size [1..n][1..n].
double **Ka Covariance matrix for class B, a matrix of size [1..n][1..n].
double *Ma Mean vector for class A, a vector of size [1..n].
double *Mb Mean vector for class B, a vector of size [1..n].
double c The factor for apriori probabilities.
int n The dimensionality of the patterns.
double *W The linear term, a vector of size [1..n].
double b The constant component.


The function returns TRUE if an error occurred. If no error occurred the function returns FALSE and W and b contain valid values.


This function computes the terms for the Fisher linear discriminant. The discrimimant is described by W*x + b. In order to calculate these parameters the covariances and means of both classes are needed. Furthermore the apriori probabilities are needed to compensate for inequalities. The parameter c is used for that since c equals P(b)/P(a) where P(a) and P(b) are the apriori probabilites for class A and B respectively.


The matrices Ka ,Kb are in matrix format and the variables Ma, Mb, W and b are in vector format.



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