The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- determine the coefficients for the quadratic decision function


int fisherq (Ka, Kb, Ma, Mb, c, n, W2, W1, b)


double **Kainv The covariance matrix for class A, a matrix of size [1..n][1..n].
double **Kbinv The covariance matrix for class B, a matrix of size [1..n][1..n].
double *Ma The mean vector for class A, a vector of size [1..n].
double *Mb The mean vector for class B, a vector of size [1..n].
double c The quotient of the apriori probabilities.
int n The dimensionality of the feature space.
double **W2 The quadratic coefficient, a matrix of size [1..n][1..n].
double *W1 The linear coefficient, a vector of size [1..n].
double *b The constant term.


The function returns TRUE if an error was detected, and FALSE otherwise. If no error occured the variables W2, W1, and b contain valid values for the coefficients.


The function computes the coefficients needed for using the quadratic decision function. This quadratic function is given by x^T*W2*x + W1*x + b. In order to compute these coefficients the covariances and means of both classesare required. Furthermore the quotient c = P(a)/P(b) is needed.


The variables b, W1, Ma and Mb are in vector format, Ka and Kb are in matrix format.


weight0_vector , fisherq_dataset

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