The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- floating point exception handler


void fpe_handler (sig, code, scp, addr)


int sig The signal number.
int code An additional (non-used) parameter.
struct sigcontext *scp A pointer to a signal context structure.
char *addr Additional address information.




This function serves as a replacement (only on Sun workstations under SunOS) for the floating point exception handler. It increases the error count variable SPRerror (see UTILITY-variables) and prints a warning. If EXIT_ON_ERROR was not defined, the IEEE exception flags will be cleared, the function will return and allow the program to be continued. If EXIT_ON_ERROR was defined and both the ExitOn and CoreOn variables are TRUE, the function will call abort to exit the program, resulting in a core dump. If only ExitOn is TRUE, exit is called to leave the program. If neither of these variables is TRUE, the program will continue.


This routine is only called if a floating point exception occurs. Furthermore, this alternative handler is only installed if SUN4 is defined during compilation, i.e. when the library is compiled to run on a Sun workstation running SunOS. If the INIT_NOFPE flag is set in the call to sprinit, the handler also will not be installed.



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