The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- initialize SPRANNLIB and print version and copyright information


void sprinit (options)


int options Flags of type INIT-flags.




This routine should be called in programs using SPRANNLIB before any other function in the library is called. It calls several initialization functions. If stdout points to a terminal (checked by calling the isatty function), the ttymode variable is set to 1 (see UTILITY-variables) and the buffering of stdout is disabled by calling the setbuf function. If not, the program is probably started in batch mode, and the automatic priority decreasing is installed -- if LOAD_WARNING is defined, the warning_system_load function is called, if AUTO_PRIORITY is defined and the INIT_NOPRI flag is not specified in options, the set_auto_priority function is called. If SUN4 is defined and the INIT_NOFPE flag is not specified in options, SPRANNLIB's internal floating point exception handler is installed using the ieee_flags and ieee_handler functions. Various other initializations are performed: random_seed is called with parameter 0; system_time is called with parameter TRUE; init_full_fname is called; if USERLOGFILE is defined (see LIBRARY-flags), the fprintf_userlog function is called. If the INIT_EXIT flag is set in options, the ExitOn variable is set to TRUE and if the INIT_CORE flag is set, the CoreOn variable is set to TRUE (see UTILITY-variables). If the environment variable SPR_NOCHK is set, all network checking (see check_all_network) will be disabled by setting the variable NoChk (see UTILITY-variables) to TRUE. Finally, if the INIT_SILENT flag is not set in options, the routine will print a version/copyright message.


sprexit, UTILITY-variables, check_all_network

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