The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- flags used in the SPRANNLIB initialization function


INIT_STD Normal initialization.
INIT_SILENT Do not display sign-on banner (version string - see LIBRARY-flags).
INIT_EXIT The library exits the program when an error is encountered, by calling the exit function.
INIT_CORE The library exits the program when an error is encountered and dumps the core by calling the abort function. Can only be used in conjunction with INIT_EXIT.
INIT_NOPRI Do not automatically change the program's nice level on UNIX systems - see TimerHandler.
INIT_NOFPE Do not use SPRANNLIB's own floating point exception handler. This handler is currently only defined for Sun systems - see fpe_handler.
INIT_HALT When an error is encountered, puts the program in an endless loop. This can come in handy when debugging an application.


These flags can be OR'ed together to form an argument to the sprinit function.


sprinit, set_auto_priority, fpe_handler

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