The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- save a compressed network


int fprintf_compressed_network (FileName, net, option)


char *FileName A valid filename.
NET *net A pointer to a correct NET structure.
long option An option flag of type HIST-flags, indicating whether or not the history should be saved. Saving the history may cause very large files to be created.


TRUE if an error occurred, FALSE otherwise.


This function operates as a shell around the fprintf_network function. .Z is added to the filename, a pipe to the compress shell command is set up and fprintf_network is called.


The compress command must be available in the user's search path. Writing compressed files does not work under Turbo-C / MS-DOS, since this combination does not support pipes. There may be a problem with portability using too long filenames. When a network is written in compressed form, .Z is added to the filename. If this filename already contains an extension, the file will not be properly named under MS-DOS.


fprintf_network, fprintf_compressed_network_small

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