The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- classify a new pattern using the k-nearest neighbour classifier


int knn_classify (k, class, pattern)


int k The number of neighbours to be taken into account.
int class The classlabel to be taken into account.
double *pattern The pattern around which the k nearest neighbours have to be calculated, a vector of size [1..n].


The number of neighbours among the k nearest neighbours that have a classlabel equal to class.


This function classifies a (new) pattern using the k-nearest neighbour rule. It takes as input k, the number of neighbours to be examined, the input pattern and class, which indicates the class to be looked at. The function returns the number of the k neighbours around the input pattern that have a classlabel equal to class. The function knn_init must have been called in advance otherwise this function will not work.


The function knn_init must have been called for this function to work. Variable pattern is in vector format.

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