The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- draw a Kohonen map


int koh_weight_draw (net, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, text, options)


NET *net A pointer to a Kohonen type NET.
int xmin The minimum x-coordinate.
int xmax The maximum x-coordinate.
int ymin The minimum y-coordinate.
int ymax The maximum y-coordinate.
char *text The label the plot should get.
int options A flag of type KOHONEN-DRAW-flags.


TRUE if an error occured, FALSE otherwise.


This function uses the Unix graph shell command to graphically display a 2-input or 3-input Kohonen map. The drawing should first be initialized using koh_draw_init. Then, the number of inputs is checked (2 or 3). The function then opens a pipe to the command "graph ... | plot -Ttek" if the KOH_PLOT flag is set in options or "graph ... | psplot | lpr" if the KOH_PRINT flag is set. The graph shell command transforms alphanumerical input into a format that can be used as input to either plot (to plot graphs in a windowing environment) or psplot (to transform the data to PostScript). After that, each weight is plotted by printing the coordinates to the stream (using the transform function in the 3D-case).


The graph command is not available on MS-DOS systems as well as System V Unix workstations. Hence, if either TCDOS, HPUX or MIPS is defined, calling this function will only result a warning message.


koh_draw_init, koh_draw_free

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