The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- adapt weights marked ``changed'' according to the accumulated (pseudo-Newton) delta's


int pn_adapt_weights (net, eta, mu, alpha, options)


NET *net A pointer to a NET.
double eta The coefficient eta (the learning rate) of the backpropagation rule.
double alpha The coefficient alpha (the momentum term) of the backpropagation rule.
double mu A small constant used in diverting inflection points in the pseudo-Newton method.
long options See note in pn_adapt_unit.


TRUE if an error was detected, FALSE if no error was detected.


This function is called only for shared weights networks, since for this type of network first all the gradients have to be known before they can be summed to calculate the actual weight update. Therefore, during the training of shared weights networks, pn_adapt_unit is called for each unit in a certain layer followed by one call to this function, and so on to the first layer.


For an explanation of the possible values of options, see the note in pn_adapt_unit.



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