The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- write the weights between the input and hidden layer to a C file (LOCAL)


int print_inweights (stream, net)


FILE *stream A valid filepointer.
NET *net A pointer to a NET structure.


FALSE if successful, TRUE if not.


This function is used by make_source_ffnet to write the weights between the input layer and the hidden layer to the C file which is constructed from net. The weights are written as a matrix of doubles:
double InWeights[NR_HUNITS][NR_INPUTS + 1] = 

double HidActivation[NR_HUNITS];

For a definition of NR_HUNITS and NR_INPUTS, see print_c_header. The last row of the matrix contains the biases (theta's) of the units in the hidden layer. Note that in the last line, the HidActivation array is declared but not initialized.


make_source_ffnet, printfile, print_c_header, print_outweights, print_c_code

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