The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- extract a dataset from a certain layer of a network


DATASET *extract_dataset_ff_net (net, set, layer)


NET *net A pointer to a NET structure.
DATASET *set A pointer to a DATASET structure.
long layer The layer from which to extract the new dataset.


A pointer to a valid DATASET structure if there were no errors; NULL otherwise.


This function can be used to use a trained network as a mapping. A new dataset (IOSET, see DATASET-flags) is created and most values, including the output vectors or labels, are copied from set. Then, for each SAMPLE in set, the network net is evaluated using eval_ff_net. Then, the outputs of the units in layer are taken as the input vector of a sample in the newly created set.


The network net has to be of type FFNET, KOHNET, MLNET, RBFNET or SHAREDNET (see NET-flags).

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