The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- evaluate a feed-forward network


int eval_ff_net (net, input)


NET *net A pointer to a NET structure.
double *input A vector containing the input used to evaluate the network's output. The number of elements should match the number of network inputs Net.NumInputs .


FALSE if successful, TRUE if an error occured. If no error occured, on exit the Unit.Value structures should contain correctly filled Activation and Output fields.


First, the network-flag is checked: it should be FFNET, KOHNET, MLNET, RBFFNET or SHAREDNET (see NET-flags). After that, all units are evaluated in the order in which they appear in the Net 's FirstUnit linked list of units. If the units is an INUNIT (see UNIT-flags), its output is set to be the corresponding element of input. The correspondence is given by the unit's InOutIndex field.


This function uses eval_unit.

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