The Complete SPRLIB & ANNLIB


- auxiliary function to determine the performance of a maximum likelihood network


double perf_mlnet (net, dset)


NET *net A maximum likelihood type NET.
DATASET *dset The DATASET on which the performance has to be measured.


1.0 - (cs/ts) where cs is the number of correctly classified samples and ts is the total number of samples, or -1.0 if an error occured.


This routine first checks whether the network is correct: NetFlag should be MLNET (see NET-flags); NumOutputs should be at least 2 (i.e., at least 2 classes) and NumInputs should match dset->NumInputs. The network is evaluated (using eval_ff_net) for every SAMPLE in dset. The output unit having the maximum output value is considered to be the network's classification output. If the InOutIndex of that unit matches the Output.Label of the sample, the sample is judged correctly classified. The return value is calculated as stated above.


log_lhood_mlnet, create_mlnet, learn_mlnet

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