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le Cun 1989
Le Cun, Y., Boser, B., Denker, J.S., Henderson, D., Howard, R.E., Hubbard, W. and Jackel, L.D. Backpropagation applied to handwritten zip code recognition. Neural Computation, 1:541-551, 1989.

Devijver 1982
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Duda 1973
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Fukunaga 1990
Fukunaga, K., Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition, second edition, Academic Press, 1990.

Goddard 1988
Goddard, N.H., Lynne, K.J. and Mintz, T., Rochester Connectionist Simulator, Technical Report 233, Computer Science Department, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, March 1988.

Kohonen 1989
Kohonen, T., Self Organization and Associative Memory, Third edition, Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 1989.

Korn 1989
Korn, G.A., A New Environment for Interactive Neural Networks, Neural Networks, vol 2, no 3, 1989.

Kraaijveld 1992
Kraaijveld, M.A and Schmidt, W.F., ANNLIB - Neural Networks Simulation Library: A C-Library for Artificial Neural Network Algorithms, Reference Manual, Pattern Recognition Group, Department of Applied Physics, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 29 pages, 1990 / 1991 / 1992.

Matlab 1992
Mathworks Inc., Matlab: High-Performance Numeric Computation and Visualization Software, Reference guide, 1992.

Murre 1992
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NeuralWorks 1991
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Pao 1989
Pao, Y-H., Adaptive Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc., 1989.

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Press 1992
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Rumelhart 1986
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de Ridder 1996
de Ridder, D., Shared weights neural network analysis, Masters thesis, Pattern Recognition Group, Department of Applied Physics, Delft University of Technology, Delft, 1996.

Setten 1992
Setten, J.D., Een Klassificator voor een adaptief lerend systeem, Masters thesis, Pattern Recognition Group, Department of Applied Physics, Delft University of Technology, Delft, 1992.

Schmidt 1992
Schmidt, W.F. and Kraaijveld, M.A., SPRLIB - Statistical Pattern Recognition Library A C-Library for Statistical Pattern Recognition Algorithms, Reference manual, Pattern Recognition Group, Department of Applied Physics, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 26 pages, 1989 / 1990 / 1991 / 1992.

Sydenham 1982
Sydenham, P.H., Handbook of Measurement Science, Vol 1, John Wiley and Sons, 1982.

Widrow 1985
Widrow, B. and Stearns, S., Adaptive Signal Processing, Prentice Hall, 1985.

Wolfram 1992
Wolfram, S., Mathematica: a System for Doing Mathematics by Computer, 2 tex2html_wrap_inline1619 edition, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1992.

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